OWO-FIX is an external fixation system with the American Patent protection, developed for open wedge tibial osteotomy, applied from the medial region.

- It is a very light external fixator system with a proximal carbon fiber back and an additional component design made of titanium and aluminum raw materials.
- Thanks to the 10° posterior slope on the incision block, the slope adjustment can be changed with the incision block movements and it allows the tibial slope adjustment to be made by itself.
- Anatomical for right and left application.
- It provides the advantage of dispatching Schanz in different angles and configurations over Schanz holders in proximal and distal.
- With the help of the distractor, corrections can be made to the system after the operation.
- Genu varum deformities and unicompartmental gonarthrosis cases in which the mechanical axis is impaired in the varus position,
- Overloading of the medial compartment after meniscectomy,
- It is used in high tibial osteotomy applications together with surface modifying arthroplasty applications in osteochondral defects.
For detailed information, please review the catalog.

controlled deformity correction